Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our Successful Johnny Appleseed Week!

I posted earlier about how much we have on Johnny Appleseed week. We start out the week by just looking at different apple poems, short passages about apples and Johnny Appleseed, and introducing who he is. I then introduce them to this book:

We then talk about tall tales, and decide whether or not the tale of Johnny Appleseed is true, or some of it is a tall tale. It depends year to year how much writing they do individually and how much we do together. In my Johnny Appleseed packet, there opinion, informational, and narrative writing options. This year we decided to do informational. We brainstormed sentences of supporting details together after reading the book.

We then decided on a main idea sentence together. We haven't had a lot of exposure to writing informational since we have been focused on personal narratives, so it was good to have a lot of structure for them. We worked at a supporting sentence together, and then I gave them the option of using the supporting sentences we wrote together, or use their own from the knowledge they read in the book.

They turned out so cute!!

Later on that week we also did apple tasting, learned about how apples grow from the apple tree (using the book below which is amazing!)

and made the fantastic trees also. What a great week. We did make caramel apples, too. The kids wore pots on their heads, cut off jeans, and flannel plaid shirts. What a fun celebration!

Click on any of the pics to get the packets on TpT. I've bundled them together to get them both, or you can scroll below on the bundle to see them individually.

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